The Singapore Christian Berean Blog
Greetings, This is my first blog. Although I have been a Christian since my teens in the Eighties, it was only in the last 7 years that I got serious about my faith and reading the Bible. I was away from the Church for many years and is currently attending a Church. I realized to my shock that the Christian beliefs in Singapore has changed drastically in the last 40 years. I started to ask questions and faced many challenges both within and outside my circle of friends. I have been described as like the Bereans in the Bible, that intently study the Scriptures to ensure that what Paul taught was Biblical. In this blog, I hope to enlighten more Christians and encourage them to study the Word, so that they can be guarded against the many teachings that are questionable. Some of those includes : i) What is the true Gospel ? ii) How do we read the Bible and interpret it correctly ? iii) Are tongues and healings like what we saw in the book fo...